Written in collaboration with Patricia Milton
Porn Yesterday tells the story of a young male porno star (Rex Everest) who has decided he wants to get out of the porno business. Rex is cast in a legitimate theatre’s production of Edward II when his wealthy (and much older) lover makes a contribution to the theatre’s building fund. The hitch comes when Rex realizes that he is going to have to learn how to act. A theatre professor from a local Catholic university is pressed into service to teach the fledgling actor the tools of the actor’s trade. In this Pygmalion-inspired story, both teacher and student end up learning more than they planned.
You may remember the 1946 comedy “Born Yesterday” by Garson Kanin, which became a timeless Judy Holliday-William Holden-Broderick Crawford film in 1950. In this new version, by San Francisco playwrights Andrew Black and Patricia Milton, the girlfriend is a boyfriend, the boor is a porn-king and the Henry Higgins (so to speak) is a professor of theater.
The dialogue is snappy and quite funny. Adam Edwards plays the sex-crazed, flirtatious, irresistible Rex with body and heart. During his transformation into serious actor, he gets to show some of his real acting chops. All told, a fun and poignant finale.
Pat Launer, San Diego Theatre Scene “Curtain Calls”
The Thorny Theater continues its tradition of presenting new LGBT comedies and dramas with its production of Porn Yesterday ... (with) just the right mix of poignancy and laughter in this saucy tale of one man’s struggle toward redemption.
January 2009, MyDesert.com
There are five key characters, all well written and quite different. The play maintains a great pace and establishes conflict when a drama coach from a local Catholic University is introduced to the adult film world. His job is to tutor the young porn star and help him access his acting talents. What unfolds is a comedy of manners as there is a collision of values between the world of porno and the world of higher education.
Joe Marshall, Alternative Theater Company, Phoenix Arizona
Emerald Theater Center
September 2011: Memphis, TN
The Thorny Theatre/Desert Rose Playhouse
January 2009: Palm Springs, CA
Curan Repertory Theatre
August 2005: New York, NY
Alternative Theatre Company
March 2005: Phoenix, AZ
Fritz Theatre Company "Fritz Blitz"
July 2003: San Diego, CA